Generali Insurance Serbia

Transforming health insurance through personalisation and advanced digital solutions

end-user satisfaction increase
SLA (Service Level Agreement)
FCR (First Call Resolution)
of end-users now receive automatic notifications
availability of doctors and agents in each shift
reduction in average call duration
reduction in service complaints
Client: Generali Insurance Serbia
Country: Serbia
Industry: BFSI (Banking, financial services and insurance)
Services: Consulting, Salesforce Service Cloud Implementation, Custom Development, System Maintenance
Project Duration: March – May 2022

About Client

Generali Insurance Serbia (Generali Osiguranje Srbija) is the largest private insurance company in the Serbian market, and it has been carefully building the Generali brand since 2006. Established in 1998, the company has experienced rapid and stable development. For over ten years, it has been the market leader in life and health insurance.

The Challenge

Generali Insurance Serbia, a market leader in life and health insurance, sought to enhance the operations of its customer service team at the Generali medical contact center.

This telephone service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is staffed by doctors who provide policyholders with free medical assistance, and services including medical advice, referrals to doctors and health facilities, helping policyholders find the best services for their needs, scheduling examinations, and monitoring the implementation of agreed services with clinics.

Generali Insurance Serbia aimed to further improve its service by introducing more efficient processes, increasing productivity, and creating solutions that would both facilitate the work of support agents and provide an even better user experience for voluntary health insurance policyholders.

The client had two basic groups of requests:

  • improving the user experience for policyholders,
  • creation of a new internal system for organizing the shift work of agents and doctors.

When discussing the improvement of user experience, the primary requirements were:

  • unification of all user data in one place,
  • two-way communication between the agent and the user via email,
  • two-way communication between the agent and the user via telephone,
  • the ability to schedule medical examinations within the system for all medical institutions in the Generali network,
  • automatic notifications to users about scheduled examinations via email, phone, SMS, or Viber,
  • mandatory personalization in communication, including addressing the user by name and allowing support agents to see the user's profile when they call the Generali Medic call center.

Personalization in communication, as a key aspect of good customer relationships, was a significant request from the client. However, this presented a technical challenge due to an incomplete database of contact information, particularly missing phone numbers. Before implementing the Salesforce Service Cloud solution, call center agents could not identify callers if their phone numbers were not recognized by the system.

The overarching challenge of this project was the tight deadline.


The Solution

Kameleon Solutions successfully completed the entire project in just three months, investing several thousand working hours.

This project is the first of its kind in Serbia's financial sector to receive approval from the National Bank of Serbia for using CRM solutions in the cloud.

The primary achievement was the implementation of Salesforce Service Cloud and the introduction of new tools and processes to enhance user experience. In addition to deploying ready-made Salesforce solutions, our team developed over 20 unique custom solutions tailored to the specific needs of the client and industry.

Another significant success was creating a new solution for managing the shift work organization of agents, doctors, and medical workers. Our team developed this solution from scratch, collaborating closely with colleagues from Generali Insurance Serbia to conceptualize and develop an original solution tailored to the client’s unique requirements.

To enable the implementation of Salesforce solutions and tools, we established new internal processes from the outset. Based on a detailed analysis of business requirements, the Kameleon Solutions team designed processes following the client's inputs and best practice examples. Defining precise business processes was a crucial first step, especially for such demanding projects that required a high level of automation and integration with the existing database.

The main solution we used was Salesforce Service Cloud. In addition to this core product for customer support, we also implemented the following solutions:

  • Contact Center
  • Agent Productivity Tools
  • Case Management
  • Live Chat
  • Facebook Messenger Chat
  • Viber, SMS, and Phone Integration
  • Email Integration
  • Escalation Process
  • Entitlement Process
  • One-way Back Office Integration
  • Customer Service Automation & Process
  • Salesforce Knowledge

After the implementation, the Kameleon Solutions team provided comprehensive training for all employees in the medical contact center, ensuring that all support agents could fully utilize the new system's features efficiently.

Since the implementation, Kameleon Solutions has been responsible for maintaining and improving the entire system. We have been collaborating with Generali Insurance Serbia on numerous projects, contributing to the company's ongoing digital transformation for years.


The Result

Support agents now have a 360-degree view of each customer, enabling them to provide enhanced service and a personalized customer experience.

This achievement is significant for both us and our client, Generali Insurance Serbia. A personalized approach is crucial for fostering long-term, high-quality relationships with policyholders, ensuring they always feel safe, secure, and well cared for.

Read below for detailed information about the successes we have achieved together:

User satisfaction increased by 10%.

Since implementing the new system, the average user satisfaction score is an excellent 4.85 out of 5. We collect these ratings daily through a satisfaction survey completed by each user after service.

SLA (Service Level Agreement) is now at 99%, and FCR (First Call Resolution) has reached 85%.

This success is attributed to the intuitive and efficient new system and the consolidation of all user data in one place.

100% of user data is now consolidated on the Salesforce platform.

All data and communication channels are unified, facilitating user communication, analytics, and internal reporting. Additionally, a database update was implemented to address the lack of user data by automating the collection of phone numbers and other contact information. When a user calls the call center, the system recognizes them and offers the option to automatically save their contact information. The same feature is available for collecting missing email addresses.

Agents also have the option to manually enter phone numbers into the user's profile, filling in any missing data. This is crucial as it allows users to choose their preferred method of communication with the agent by adding a new phone number or email address through which they want to be contacted and receive notifications.

The average call duration was reduced by 40% due to simplified processes and better access to user profiles.

We enabled support agents to view the user's entire profile when they call the medical call center. This allows agents to address insured individuals by name and provide a personalized experience, which was a primary requirement of our client, Generali Insurance Serbia.

Thanks to the new tools, agents can now see each user's history, categorization, statistics, number of calls, previous requests, open and closed cases, case closure times, and more. This comprehensive view facilitates the provision of personalized service. We achieved this by linking all health insurance policies, claims, and previous calls to unique user profiles.

To shorten call duration, we enabled agents to search for medical institutions within the system and filter by services, city, address, and more. Now, when an agent finds an institution in the system, they can call the clinic or health center with one click, speeding up service delivery and improving the efficiency of the medical call center.

We automated 100% verification of policy activity, saving agents time and reducing the need for manual checks.

Agents can immediately see if the user's policy is active, along with its status and type of coverage. Additionally, we enabled automatic recording of an open policy when an agent opens it on their screen, which is important for internal record-keeping and control. We've made agents' work more efficient and productive by adding the option to enter procedures and diagnoses for each open case and define what the case is about. This allows them to later check if the defined diagnosis is covered by the policy.

100% of users now receive automatic notifications about scheduled examinations and interventions.

After each appointment, users receive immediate notifications via email, SMS, or Viber about the appointment details and location.

We ensured 100% availability of doctors and all agents during each shift, which improved the reliability of services provided to policyholders.

One of the most challenging client requests was to create a completely new internal system that uses a specific algorithm to automatically generate the schedule and work shifts for agents, doctors, and medical workers for the next six months. Despite the technical and time constraints of this task, we successfully implemented it within the deadline, alongside the Salesforce solutions and tools for the medical call center. The result is a highly functional system that manages shifts, half-shifts, and absences, ensuring efficient call center operations, reliable doctor availability, and optimal service for policyholders.

The new automated shift management system significantly improved the accuracy of shift scheduling.

We achieved complete transparency in the system, as the algorithm ensures an even distribution of shifts.

Key improvements included the internal organization of work and quality control within the medical call center.

Cloud solutions allowed agents to work from any location, not just the office. Additionally, an internal knowledge base was created to help agents, especially new colleagues, enhance their knowledge and resolve any work-related questions.

Thanks to the integrated system, we provided the client with greater flexibility in managing employee performance. Depending on current needs, the client can now reassign employees between teams to maintain service quality.

Overall, these improvements resulted in a 25% reduction in service complaints.


The Impact

Customer satisfaction comes first.

86% of support agents rated the new system as intuitive and easy to use.

Thanks to the implemented solutions, agent satisfaction has increased, with feedback highlighting that the new system is very intuitive, easy to use, and significantly improves their ability to provide service to policyholders.

As previously mentioned, end-user satisfaction (of policyholders) increased by 10%. Below are some of the comments we received through the satisfaction survey:

"Thanks for the quick resolution."

"Extremely professional and quick handling of requests, with a pleasant tone and courtesy. Praise!"

"Quick, efficient, friendly. Perfect."

"I'm pleasantly surprised by the speed of the request. Kudos, keep it up."

These positive comments reflect the success of the new system in enhancing both agent satisfaction and the user experience.


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